Type 9 (The Peacemaker) and Step Three of Overeaters Anonymous:

Step Three: “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.”

For Enneagram Type 9 (The Peacemaker), Step Three in Overeaters Anonymous is about letting go of complacency and avoidance in order to actively trust and rely on a Higher Power. Type 9s tend to seek comfort and avoid conflict or discomfort, which can lead to using food as a way to numb emotions or maintain a sense of inner peace. Step Three encourages them to turn their will and life over to a Higher Power, finding a deeper sense of peace that doesn’t rely on avoidance or indulgence.

Here’s how a Type 9 can work Step Three in Overeaters Anonymous:

  1. Overcome Complacency by Trusting in Divine Action:
    • Type 9s may struggle with inertia or avoidance, preferring to maintain the status quo rather than take active steps toward change. This can manifest in their relationship with food, where they may avoid addressing unhealthy habits. Step Three invites Type 9s to trust that their Higher Power can provide the strength and direction to move forward, even when they feel resistant to change.
    • By surrendering to their Higher Power, Type 9s can find the motivation to take positive action and avoid the trap of complacency.

    Reflection question: “How has my tendency to avoid action or change affected my relationship with food, and how can trusting my Higher Power help me move forward with greater confidence?”

  2. Surrender the Desire for Comfort Above All Else:
    • Type 9s often seek comfort and ease, sometimes turning to food as a way to maintain a sense of inner calm. They may fear that surrendering control to a Higher Power will disrupt their sense of peace or bring discomfort. Step Three encourages Type 9s to trust that true peace comes from aligning with their Higher Power’s will, not from avoiding challenges or discomfort.
    • Surrendering to a Higher Power helps Type 9s experience a deeper, more lasting peace than temporary comfort through food.

    Reflection question: “How has my desire for comfort led to avoidance in my recovery, and how can trusting my Higher Power help me experience a deeper sense of peace?”

  3. Let Go of the Fear of Conflict or Disruption:
    • Type 9s fear conflict and may avoid difficult emotions or situations by numbing themselves with food. They may resist surrendering to a Higher Power out of fear that it will lead to uncomfortable changes or disruptions in their lives. Step Three invites Type 9s to trust that their Higher Power will guide them through any discomfort, ultimately leading to greater harmony and balance.
    • By surrendering, Type 9s can let go of the fear of disruption and trust that facing challenges with their Higher Power will bring lasting peace.

    Reflection question: “How has my fear of conflict or change kept me stuck in unhealthy patterns, and how can trusting my Higher Power help me face life’s challenges with greater peace and acceptance?”

  4. Find Peace Through Active Surrender, Not Avoidance:
    • Type 9s often confuse peace with avoidance, thinking that by ignoring problems, they can maintain a sense of calm. However, this often leads to deeper issues, including an unhealthy relationship with food. Step Three teaches Type 9s that true peace comes from active surrender to their Higher Power, rather than passive avoidance of life’s difficulties.
    • Surrendering their will to a Higher Power allows Type 9s to actively engage with life in a peaceful, empowered way, rather than relying on avoidance.

    Reflection question: “How has my avoidance of difficult situations or feelings contributed to my struggles with food, and how can trusting my Higher Power help me find true peace through engagement rather than avoidance?”

  5. Trust in a Higher Purpose Instead of Numbing:
    • Type 9s may use food to numb themselves from feelings of discomfort, anxiety, or dissatisfaction. Step Three encourages Type 9s to trust that their Higher Power has a plan for them and that they can handle whatever emotions or challenges arise without turning to food as a coping mechanism.
    • Surrendering to their Higher Power gives Type 9s the ability to face emotions and challenges head-on, knowing that they are supported and guided.

    Reflection question: “How has my tendency to numb myself with food prevented me from fully engaging with life, and how can I trust my Higher Power to support me in facing my emotions and challenges?”


For Type 9s, working Step Three involves surrendering their desire for comfort and avoidance to a Higher Power. By trusting that their Higher Power will guide them through discomfort and conflict, Type 9s can find a deeper and more meaningful sense of peace. This step helps them move away from passive avoidance and numbing behaviors, including overeating, and toward an active engagement with life, trusting that true peace comes from surrendering to divine guidance, not from avoiding life’s challenges.