Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.

Spiritual Principle: Willingness

Assignment 1:

  1. Read, highlight, and jot down questions/comments from Into Action, page 76, first paragraph, of the Big Book.
  2. Read, highlight, and jot down questions/comments from the AA 12 & 12, Step 6.
  3. Answer the following questions/statements.
    • Are you willing to look honestly at your own habits and patterns of behavior? Use a flashlight not a hammer. In what ways is your life unmanageable?
    • Step 6 is about using your will properly: “Every day is a day when we must carry the vision of God’s will into all of our activities. How can I best serve Thee—Thy will (not mine) be done.” (Big Book, pg. 85) This process requires your willingness to cooperate with your HP. HP asks only that you try as best you know how to refine your character. What do you think about this?
    • It is much easier to give up character defects that cause us misery, but what about the ones we actually like? For example, self-righteous anger can make us feel superior; gossip is a way to fit in; compulsive behaviors such as shopping, social media, video games, etc., seem to ease your discomfort. Do you have any character defects you don’t want to give up? What are they and why don’t you want to give them up?

Assignment 2:

  1. Look at your Step 4 inventory. Make a list of your character defects.
  2. For each character defect, write
    • What does each character defect DO for you? What purpose does it serve?
    • What is the underlying belief or lie for each defect? Look at back of each resentment form to remind yourself what you made the situation mean. This may help you determine the underlying belief.
    • How does each character defect block you from doing your HP’s will?


Optional Extra Credit: