Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.

Spiritual Principle: Perseverance


Preface to Step 10:

  1. Celebrate the work you have accomplished so far and where you are now on your recovery path.
    • You have finished Steps 1-9. This was the program of recovery.
    • Now you are launching into the 12-Step Way of Life which offers a new design for living.
    • Steps 1-3 taught you about our powerlessness and your need for Power.
    • Steps 4-9 taught you about our misuse of our will and how that leads to unmanageability.
    • Steps 10, 11, & 12 offer you a way to live life on life’s terms and allow us to continuously enlarge our spiritual life.


Assignment 1:

  1. Read, highlight, and jot down questions/comments from Into Action, pages 84 and 85, of the Big Book.
  2. Answer the following questions.
    • What does the following mean to you: “We have entered the world of the Spirit. Our next function is to grow in understanding and effectiveness.”
    • This is the step that talks about food neutrality: “We are not fighting it, neither are we avoiding temptation. We feel as though we had been placed in a position of neutrality – safe and protected.” – Have you reached food neutrality?
    • Can you see that, “We are not cured of food addiction. What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition.”
    • Keeping in “fit spiritual condition” is what Step 10 is all about! What does maintaining fit spiritual condition mean for you?


Assignment 2:

  1. Read highlight, and jot down questions/comments from AA 12 & 12, Step 10.
  2. There are no right or wrong ways to do inventories. Find a processes that work for you.  “It is a spiritual axiom that every time we are disturbed, no matter what the cause, there is something wrong with us.” ( AA 12 & 12, P. 90).
  3. When you feel emotional discomfort, work on a Step 10 and dig deep to find what is happening with you. Below we offer a few suggestions for doing a spot check inventory.
    • Example 1: The Big Book Way

When these (character defects) crop up, we ask God at once to remove them. We discuss them with someone immediately and make amends quickly if we have harmed anyone. Then we resolutely turn our thoughts to someone we can help. Love and tolerance of others is our code. (Big Book, page 84)

    •  Example 2: Ask your Higher Power the following questions:
      • Am I taking something personally?
      • Am I making any assumptions here?
      • How can I see this differently (more clearly)?
      • What story am I telling myself that may or may not be true?
      • What am I making this mean about me?
      • What is my underlying motivation here?
      • Is my story even true or is it just an opinion?
      • What am I not seeing here? What am I missing?
      • What can I learn from this?
      • How does my HP want me to respond here?
      • Am I avoiding personal responsibility here?



    • Example 4: Use the same process as we did in Step 4.
      • Look back at Step 4. Follow the directions for Completing your inventory, choosing the appropriate form for your situation.


Optional Extra Credit:

  1. Read highlight, and jot down questions/comments from AA Study Guide for Overeaters, Step 10.
  2. Listen to one or more of these other OA podcasts/videos.
    • Step 10 by Marcela M. from A Design for Living
    • Step Ten from Overeaters Anonymous: “The Importance of Working All Twelve Steps” podcast series
    • Step Ten by Amy B. from Choose Your Own Conception: OA Big Book Study
    • Step Ten by Anne Marie M. from Choose Your Own Conception: OA Big Book Study
    • Step Ten by Dani P. from Choose Your Own Conception: OA Big Book Study