Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

Spiritual Principle: Integrity


Assignment 1:

  1. Read, highlight, and jot down questions/comments from Into Action, up through page 75, “We pocket our pride...”, of the Big Book.
  2. Answer the following questions
    • Step 5 breaks our isolation. We begin to see that we aren’t horrible human beings. We are just plain human. We finally feel like we belong. Where are you in this process?
    • We also begin to see how we have been judging ourselves by our good intentions and not our actual behavior. Yet, we judge others strictly by their behaviors. For example, I may think i am generous because I plan on giving to charity, but I never do. At the same time, I judge others as “stingy” because they do not give to charity. Our behavior is the same, but I judge myself as “good” and others as “bad”. This realization leads to humility. Can you see where this is true for you?
    • At its core, Step 5 provides you an opportunity to tell your story to another person, who will listen without judgment. This process helps you see your habits and patterns with a new, more compassionate perspective. Are you open to this experience?


Assignment 2:

  1. Make an appointment with your sponsor or other trusted person to do your fifth step,
  2. Before meeting with your sponsor or other trusted person, turn to page 75 of the Into Action chapter of the Big Book and begin reading the second paragraph, “We pocket our pride…” and read until the end of the page.
  3. Meet with your sponsor (or someone else you trust completely) to discuss your Step 4 inventory.
  4. After your 5th Step, reread the last paragraph on page 75 of the Into Action chapter of the Big Book and follow the instructions.
  5. Read the promises that we experience once we have taken Step 5.
    • We are delighted.
    • We can look the world in the eye.
    • We can be alone at perfect peace and ease.
    • Our fears fall from us.
    • We begin to feel the nearness of our Higher Power.
    • We begin to have a spiritual experience.
    • We get the feeling that our compulsive eating problem has disappeared.
    • We feel we are on the Broad Highway walking hand in hand with the Spirit of the Universe.
  6. Discuss with your sponsor which of the Step 5 promises. If you have not received all of them, it may be because you left something off your inventory and need to revisit it. Spend time asking your HP for guidance about what might be missing. After addressing any missing items, make another appointment with your sponsor to complete your 5th Step. If you have received the promises, follow the directions in the last paragraph on page 75 of the Into Action chapter in theBig Book.


Optional Extra Credit

  1. Read, highlight, and jot down questions/comments from the following sections from A Study Guide for Overeaters, Step 5.
  2. Listen to one or more of these OA podcasts/videos.
    • Step 5: by Janet B. from A Design for living
    • Step five: from Overeaters Anonymous: “The Importance of Working All Twelve Steps” podcast series
    • Into Action: Step 5 by Brian V. from Choose Your Own Conception: OA Big Book Study
    • Into Action: Step 5 by Heidi B. from Choose Your own Conception: OA Big Book Study
    • Into Action: Step 5 by Meredith B. from Choose Your own Conception: OA Big Book Study