Type 9 (The Peacemaker) and Step Two of Overeaters Anonymous:

Step Two: “Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.”

For Enneagram Type 9 (The Peacemaker), Step Two in Overeaters Anonymous involves embracing a Higher Power to restore the emotional and mental balance that Type 9s often avoid facing. Type 9s tend to seek comfort and avoid conflict by numbing themselves, which can include using food to cope with discomfort or to avoid difficult emotions. Step Two challenges them to believe that a Higher Power can offer true peace and resolution, rather than relying on passive avoidance or overindulgence.

Here’s how a Type 9 can work Step Two in Overeaters Anonymous:

  1. Acknowledge Avoidance Patterns and Their Consequences:
    • Type 9s often avoid conflict, discomfort, or difficult emotions by disengaging and using food to stay comfortable or neutralize emotional tension. Step Two calls on Type 9s to recognize that this avoidance has led to unhealthy patterns and that a Higher Power can help them face reality in a healthier way.
    • It’s about seeing that avoidance isn’t true peace, and trusting in a Higher Power for real inner calm.

    Reflection question: “How has my tendency to avoid conflict and discomfort through food impacted my life, and how can I trust a Higher Power to help me confront my feelings?”

  2. Believe in a Higher Power to Restore Inner Peace:
    • Type 9s crave peace, but they often seek it in ways that ultimately lead to more inner chaos, such as overeating or zoning out. Step Two encourages Type 9s to trust that true peace comes from relying on a Higher Power, rather than using food or withdrawal as a coping mechanism.
    • This step helps them connect to a source of peace that doesn’t require disengaging from life or their feelings.

    Reflection question: “What would it be like to believe that true peace comes from a Higher Power, rather than avoiding my feelings or turning to food for comfort?”

  3. Move from Indecision to Action Through Trust:
    • Type 9s often struggle with inertia and indecision, preferring to stay in a state of calm inaction to avoid disturbance. Step Two is about believing that a Higher Power can guide them into action and help them move beyond their tendencies to stay stuck or passive.
    • By trusting a Higher Power, Type 9s can start to make decisions that align with their deeper values, rather than staying in a comfortable but unsatisfying place.

    Reflection question: “How can trusting a Higher Power help me move from passivity to action, and make choices that support my well-being rather than just keeping the peace?”

  4. Release the Desire to Keep Things Comfortable at All Costs:
    • Type 9s often prioritize keeping things comfortable for themselves and others, even if it means sacrificing their own needs. This can lead to overeating as a way to self-soothe. Step Two asks Type 9s to let go of the idea that comfort equals peace and to trust that a Higher Power can provide real fulfillment.
    • This step helps them release their attachment to superficial comfort and trust in something greater.

    Reflection question: “How has my desire to keep things comfortable for myself led to unhealthy habits, and how can I trust a Higher Power to bring deeper fulfillment?”

  5. Trust a Higher Power to Navigate Emotional Conflict:
    • Type 9s tend to avoid conflict, even at the expense of their own emotional health. They may turn to food to suppress uncomfortable feelings or avoid dealing with difficult situations. Step Two encourages Type 9s to trust that a Higher Power can help them navigate emotional conflict, allowing them to confront issues without fear.
    • By believing in a Higher Power, Type 9s can stop using food to suppress their emotions and instead face life’s challenges with inner strength.

    Reflection question: “How can trusting a Higher Power help me confront emotional conflict rather than avoiding it, and how can this trust transform my relationship with food?”


For a Type 9, Step Two is about learning to trust in a Higher Power to bring true peace, rather than seeking comfort through avoidance or food. By acknowledging their patterns of disengagement, Type 9s can believe that a Power greater than themselves can help them move from passivity to action and find deeper fulfillment. This step invites Type 9s to release their attachment to superficial comfort and trust that their Higher Power can restore emotional and mental balance, providing the peace they seek in a healthier and more grounded way.