Type 6 (The Loyalist) and Step Two of Overeaters Anonymous:

Step Two: “Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.”

For Enneagram Type 6 (The Loyalist), working Step Two in Overeaters Anonymous involves addressing their deep-seated fears, doubts, and anxieties. Type 6s are known for seeking security and support from external sources, which can lead them to rely on food for comfort when they feel uncertain or overwhelmed. This step encourages Type 6s to place their trust in a Higher Power rather than in their own need for control or in external sources of reassurance.

Here’s how a Type 6 can work Step Two in Overeaters Anonymous:

  1. Acknowledge the Need for External Reassurance and Its Limits:
    • Type 6s often look to others for reassurance, constantly seeking safety and security. Food may have become one of their coping mechanisms, helping them feel grounded when they face uncertainty or fear.
    • Step Two invites Type 6s to recognize that their reliance on food for comfort is no longer working and that a Higher Power can offer a deeper, more reliable source of support than external validation.

    Reflection question: “How have I relied on food and external reassurance to manage my fears, and how can I begin to trust that a Higher Power can provide the security I seek?”

  2. Develop Trust in a Higher Power to Relieve Anxiety:
    • Anxiety and fear are central to the Type 6 personality. Working Step Two requires Type 6s to shift their focus from trying to control or predict every outcome to trusting that a Higher Power is guiding them.
    • Learning to trust in something greater than themselves can help alleviate the constant worry that drives unhealthy eating behaviors.

    Reflection question: “What would it feel like to let go of my need to control everything and trust that a Higher Power will help me manage my fears?”

  3. Recognize That Constant Worrying and Overthinking Won’t Bring Safety:
    • Type 6s tend to overthink and constantly anticipate worst-case scenarios, which can leave them feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted. Food may serve as a way to quiet the mind, but it doesn’t offer lasting relief.
    • Step Two encourages Type 6s to believe that sanity and peace can come not through overthinking or controlling but by placing their faith in a Higher Power.

    Reflection question: “How has my tendency to worry and overthink made my life more chaotic, and how can I trust that a Higher Power will help restore my peace of mind?”

  4. Learn to Accept Uncertainty and Trust in Guidance Beyond Themselves:
    • One of the biggest challenges for Type 6s is accepting uncertainty. They crave security and often turn to food to manage the discomfort of not knowing what will happen next.
    • Step Two is about believing that even when they feel uncertain or fearful, a Higher Power can guide them through their challenges. Surrendering control to this guidance can bring a sense of calm and restore emotional balance.

    Reflection question: “How can I begin to accept uncertainty and trust that a Higher Power will guide me, even when I don’t have all the answers?”

  5. Build Faith in a Power Greater Than Themselves for Stability:
    • Type 6s often feel like they must be on high alert to protect themselves from potential dangers. This hyper-vigilance can lead to stress eating or compulsive behaviors around food.
    • Step Two encourages them to trust that a Higher Power can offer the stability and safety they’ve been seeking, rather than relying solely on their own ability to stay vigilant.

    Reflection question: “What steps can I take to build faith in a Higher Power and find stability that doesn’t depend on me being in constant control?”


For a Type 6, Step Two is about learning to trust in a Higher Power rather than relying on food, external reassurance, or their own overthinking to manage fear and anxiety. By believing that a Power greater than themselves can offer the stability and safety they seek, Type 6s can begin to let go of their constant need for control and find peace in surrendering to guidance beyond their own efforts. This faith can restore emotional balance, offering them a new way to cope with uncertainty and fear, ultimately helping to transform their relationship with food.