STEP 1: “We admitted we were powerless over food — that our lives had become unmanageable.”

For Enneagram Type 1, working Step One means confronting their deep desire to be good, perfect, and in control, which often extends into their relationship with food. Type 1s may use strict self-discipline or indulge in compulsive eating to cope with the frustration of not living up to their own high standards.


1. Admit Powerlessness Over Food as a Way to Manage Perfectionism:

Type 1s struggle with holding themselves to impossibly high standards and often use food as a way to either exert control or rebel against their own rigid rules.

    • Reflection question: “How have I used food to either punish myself for not being ‘good enough’ or as a way to escape the pressure of perfectionism?”


2. Recognize the Unmanageability of Perfectionism:

For Type 1s, life can become unmanageable when their need for control and order leads to rigid, unhealthy patterns around food.

    • Reflection question: “How has my constant pursuit of perfection made my relationship with food and self-care unmanageable?”


3. Acknowledge the Importance of Compassion for Yourself:

Step One for Type 1s means understanding that self-compassion is crucial. Their worth isn’t determined by how perfect or disciplined they are, and the 12-Step process teaches them to forgive themselves.

    • Reflection question: “What would it feel like to let go of the need to always be in control and allow myself to receive compassion from others and myself?”


4. Surrender the Fear of Being Imperfect:

Type 1s are often driven by a deep fear of being defective or wrong. Food may have been used to suppress this fear, but in Step One, they must face it head-on.

    • Reflection question: “How has my fear of making mistakes or not being perfect contributed to my unhealthy relationship with food?”


Summary: Type 1s work Step One by admitting their powerlessness over the perfectionism that drives their relationship with food. By letting go of the need for rigid control and accepting that they are not defective, they can begin to find balance and healing.