Type 8 (The Challenger) and Step Three of Overeaters Anonymous:

Step Three: “Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.”

For Enneagram Type 8 (The Challenger), Step Three in Overeaters Anonymous involves surrendering the need for control and power to a Higher Power. Type 8s are known for their independence, strength, and desire to avoid vulnerability. They often feel the need to be in control of their environment and may use food to assert dominance or suppress feelings of vulnerability. Step Three invites Type 8s to trust a Higher Power with their will and lives, allowing them to release the need to control everything and recognize that true strength comes from surrender and trust.

Here’s how a Type 8 can work Step Three in Overeaters Anonymous:

  1. Surrender Control and Trust in a Higher Power:
    • Type 8s have a strong desire to control their circumstances and resist being controlled by anyone or anything, including food. This control can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food, where it becomes a way to assert independence or avoid feelings of vulnerability. Step Three encourages Type 8s to release the need for control and trust their Higher Power to guide and protect them.
    • By surrendering control, Type 8s can experience the freedom of trusting in something greater than themselves.

    Reflection question: “How has my need for control impacted my relationship with food, and how can I trust that my Higher Power will guide me without needing to control everything myself?”

  2. Embrace Vulnerability as Strength:
    • Type 8s often equate vulnerability with weakness and may use food as a way to avoid feeling exposed or powerless. Step Three is about turning over the fear of vulnerability to a Higher Power and recognizing that true strength comes from being open and trusting. Embracing vulnerability allows Type 8s to develop healthier emotional habits, which can improve their relationship with food.
    • By surrendering to their Higher Power, Type 8s can learn that vulnerability is not a weakness but a source of genuine connection and strength.

    Reflection question: “How has my fear of vulnerability led to unhealthy behaviors around food, and how can trusting my Higher Power help me embrace vulnerability as a strength?”

  3. Let Go of the Need to Always Be Strong:
    • Type 8s often feel the need to be strong for themselves and others, sometimes turning to food to sustain their sense of power. This can lead to an imbalance where food becomes a way to reinforce strength or suppress feelings of fatigue or weakness. Step Three encourages Type 8s to surrender this need and trust their Higher Power to provide strength, allowing them to rest and rely on divine support.
    • Letting go of the constant need for strength can free Type 8s from over-relying on food for energy or control.

    Reflection question: “How can I trust my Higher Power to provide me with strength and support, even when I don’t feel in control or strong myself?”

  4. Release the Fear of Being Controlled by Others:
    • Type 8s fear being controlled or manipulated by others, which can lead them to resist surrendering even to a Higher Power. They may overeat as a way to assert their independence or avoid feelings of submission. Step Three invites Type 8s to trust that their Higher Power is benevolent and will not control or manipulate them, but will guide them toward true freedom.
    • This step helps Type 8s realize that surrendering to a Higher Power is not about losing control but gaining freedom from the need to dominate every situation.

    Reflection question: “How has my fear of being controlled led to resistance against surrendering to my Higher Power, and how can I trust that surrendering will bring me more freedom, not less?”

  5. Find Security in Surrender Rather Than Power:
    • Type 8s often seek security through power, control, and independence. They may use food to assert control over their bodies or to numb feelings of insecurity. Step Three invites them to find security in their Higher Power, trusting that they do not need to rely solely on their own strength to feel safe. This can lead to a healthier relationship with food and a sense of inner peace.
    • By surrendering to their Higher Power, Type 8s can release the need to dominate their environment and find security in trust.

    Reflection question: “How has my reliance on power and control led to an unhealthy relationship with food, and how can trusting my Higher Power help me feel secure without needing to assert control?”


For Type 8s, working Step Three involves surrendering their need for control and power to a Higher Power. By embracing vulnerability and letting go of the constant need to be strong or in charge, Type 8s can find freedom in trusting their Higher Power to guide and support them. This step helps them realize that true strength and security come from surrender, not domination, allowing for a more balanced and peaceful relationship with food and life.