Type 8 (The Challenger) and Step Two of Overeaters Anonymous:

Step Two: “Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.”

For an Enneagram Type 8 (The Challenger), Step Two in Overeaters Anonymous invites them to let go of their desire for control and independence, and instead, trust in a Higher Power. Type 8s are known for their assertiveness, strength, and fear of vulnerability, which can drive them to use food as a means of control or to cope with their intense emotions. This step is about acknowledging that they don’t have to handle everything alone and that turning to a Higher Power can restore emotional balance.

Here’s how a Type 8 can work Step Two in Overeaters Anonymous:

  1. Acknowledge the Limits of Personal Control:
    • Type 8s often resist the idea of relying on anyone or anything outside themselves. They value self-reliance and feel the need to stay in control of their environment and emotions. This can lead to using food as a way to manage feelings or maintain control over their body.
    • Step Two invites Type 8s to recognize that their attempts to control everything, including their food habits, may not be working and that a Higher Power can offer a path to balance and sanity.

    Reflection question: “How has my desire for control affected my relationship with food, and how can I begin to trust a Higher Power to help me manage what I can’t control?”

  2. Embrace Vulnerability as Strength:
    • Type 8s often fear vulnerability, seeing it as a weakness, and may use food to avoid feeling exposed or emotionally dependent. Step Two encourages them to see vulnerability differently—that admitting their need for help and guidance from a Higher Power is a sign of strength, not weakness.
    • This step can help them embrace the idea that they don’t have to be strong all the time and that there is power in surrender.

    Reflection question: “How can I begin to see vulnerability as a strength and trust that a Higher Power will support me in moments of weakness?”

  3. Trust in a Power Greater Than Themselves:
    • Type 8s often feel like they have to take charge and be in control, but Step Two is about releasing that need to lead and trusting that a Higher Power is in control. It challenges Type 8s to put their faith in something beyond their own willpower and strength.
    • By allowing themselves to lean on a Higher Power, Type 8s can find relief from the stress and intensity they often carry.

    Reflection question: “What would it feel like to trust that a Higher Power is guiding me, rather than feeling like I have to control every aspect of my life?”

  4. Release the Need to Fight Against Everything:
    • Type 8s are natural challengers, often feeling like they need to push back against anything that threatens their sense of autonomy. This can include their relationship with food, where they may resist restrictions or rules, leading to rebellious eating patterns.
    • Step Two asks them to believe that a Higher Power is not something to resist, but something to trust. This can help them release the internal fight and find peace in surrendering.

    Reflection question: “How has my tendency to resist and fight against control impacted my relationship with food, and how can I trust a Higher Power to guide me instead of always pushing back?”

  5. Learn to Rely on a Higher Power for Emotional Balance:
    • Type 8s can have intense emotions and may use food to manage those feelings, especially anger, frustration, or stress. Step Two offers a chance to believe that they don’t have to rely on food or their own strength to manage their emotions—they can turn to a Higher Power for balance and guidance.
    • This shift allows them to see that their emotional needs can be met in healthier ways by connecting with a Higher Power.

    Reflection question: “How can I begin to rely on a Higher Power for emotional balance rather than trying to manage my emotions through food or sheer willpower?”


For a Type 8, Step Two is about learning to trust in a Higher Power rather than relying solely on their own strength, control, and willpower to manage life. By embracing vulnerability, releasing their constant need to be in charge, and trusting that a Power greater than themselves can restore them to emotional sanity, Type 8s can find relief from their internal struggles. This step helps them surrender their resistance, trust that they don’t have to fight alone, and find balance in their relationship with food through faith and reliance on a Higher Power.