Enneagram Type 6 Inventory for Step 4 of 12-Step Recovery

Enneagram Type 6: The Loyal Skeptic
Core Fear: Being without support or guidance, fear of danger, fear of losing security
Core Desire: To feel safe and supported
Core Weakness: Anxiety, fear, self-doubt
Core Longing: “You are safe.”

1. Resentment Inventory

For Type 6s, resentment often stems from feeling abandoned, unsupported, or misled. They may resent people, systems, or institutions that they believe have failed them or caused harm. Their mistrust of others and authority, combined with their need for safety, often drives their resentments.

Questions to ask:

  • Who do I resent for making me feel unsafe or unsupported?
  • What situations cause me to feel anxiety or fear, leading to resentment?
  • How do I react when I feel abandoned or betrayed by people or systems I trust?
  • How does my fear of being deceived show up in my relationships with others?
  • Where do I feel unsupported or left out of important decisions?

Resentment Inventory Table

Person/Institution I Resent The Cause of My Resentment How It Affects Me My Part in It
My boss Not giving clear instructions, making me feel uncertain and anxious. I feel overwhelmed and fearful of failure. I didn’t ask for clarification, fearing they would judge me as incompetent.
My partner Not being there for me when I was anxious. It causes me to feel unsafe and abandoned. I didn’t express my needs for support, fearing I would seem weak.
My parents Not providing enough guidance when I was younger. I feel unsure of myself and struggle with self-doubt. I haven’t let go of old fears and blame them for my insecurities.
The government Failing to provide security and stability. It leaves me feeling distrustful and fearful of the future. I avoid getting involved, preferring to stay on the sidelines and complain.

2. Fear Inventory

Type 6s are driven by anxiety and fear. They constantly scan for potential threats and often focus on worst-case scenarios. Their fears often revolve around not having enough support, guidance, or certainty in their lives.

Questions to ask:

  • What fears dominate my thoughts and actions?
  • How do I project my fear of danger onto others or situations?
  • How does fear of being unsupported show up in my relationships?
  • Where do I avoid taking risks because of my fear of failure or rejection?
  • How does my mistrust of others and authority create problems in my life?

Fear Inventory Table

Fear How It Affects Me How It Affects Others
Fear of failure It causes me to procrastinate and avoid taking risks. It frustrates others who rely on me to follow through.
Fear of abandonment It makes me cling to relationships and question others’ loyalty. It makes others feel smothered or mistrusted.
Fear of authority figures I resist or question authority even when it’s unnecessary. It creates tension and undermines relationships with bosses/mentors.
Fear of uncertainty It makes me overanalyze and become paralyzed in decision-making. It confuses others, who expect me to be more decisive.
Fear of being unsupported I become overly dependent on others or systems for guidance. It leads to co-dependency, making others feel burdened or inadequate.

3. Harm Inventory

Type 6s may inadvertently harm others by acting out of fear, doubt, or suspicion. They may project their anxiety onto others, causing strain in relationships, or they may withdraw when they feel unsafe, leaving others feeling abandoned or unsupported.

Questions to ask:

  • How have I harmed others by projecting my fears or doubts onto them?
  • Where have I created distance in relationships by withdrawing or being overly cautious?
  • How has my fear of authority or commitment caused harm in work or personal relationships?
  • How has my mistrust of others led me to make false accusations or assumptions?
  • Where have I overburdened others by relying too much on their support?

Harm Inventory Table

Person I Harmed The Cause of the Harm How It Harmed Them My Part in It
My partner I questioned their loyalty, constantly seeking reassurance. It made them feel distrusted and drained. I didn’t trust their commitment, letting my anxiety take over.
My coworker I refused to follow a decision because I doubted its effectiveness. It created tension and slowed down the project. I let my fear of failure and uncertainty override teamwork.
My friend I pulled away when I felt unsupported during a tough time. It made them feel abandoned and hurt. I didn’t communicate my needs and assumed they wouldn’t understand.
My family I relied too much on their support, constantly asking for advice. It overwhelmed them, making them feel burdened. I didn’t trust myself to make decisions, putting too much pressure on them.

4. Defects of Character Inventory

For Type 6s, their defects of character revolve around fear, anxiety, suspicion, and the need for constant reassurance. These can lead to controlling behaviors, avoidance of risks, and mistrust of others.

Questions to ask:

  • How does my fear lead to controlling or manipulative behaviors?
  • In what ways do I avoid taking risks or making decisions out of fear?
  • How does my mistrust of others or authority harm my relationships?
  • Where do I seek reassurance or validation excessively, and how does it affect others?
  • How does my need for safety and security keep me from growing or trying new things?

Defects of Character Table (Expanded with examples)

Defect of Character How It Shows Up in My Life How It Harms Me How It Harms Others
Fear I constantly worry about worst-case scenarios. It causes anxiety and prevents me from enjoying life. It stresses others out and makes them feel like they need to calm me down.
Mistrust I question people’s motives and doubt their intentions. It leads to isolation and lack of meaningful connections. It makes others feel misunderstood or distrusted.
Anxiety I overanalyze everything, becoming paralyzed by indecision. It stops me from taking action or moving forward in life. It frustrates others who expect me to be more decisive.
Over-dependence on others I seek constant reassurance from people around me. It makes me feel incapable of handling things on my own. It places a burden on others, making them feel responsible for my security.
Avoidance of risk I avoid new opportunities or challenges due to fear of failure. It prevents personal growth and keeps me stuck in my comfort zone. It limits my potential and makes others feel like they have to push me.
Control I try to control situations or people to reduce my anxiety. It causes me stress when things don’t go my way. It makes others feel stifled or resentful of my control.
Self-doubt I constantly question my abilities and decisions. It prevents me from feeling confident and moving forward. It makes others doubt me as well or feel like they need to reassure me.


For an Enneagram Type 6 working Step 4, the key is to recognize how fear and anxiety drive much of their behavior. By reflecting on resentments, fears, harms, and defects of character, Type 6s can confront their tendency to mistrust others, over-depend on support, and avoid risks. This inventory allows them to see how these patterns harm their relationships and personal growth, encouraging them to develop more trust in themselves and others, and to take measured risks without letting fear dictate their actions.