Type 9s are peacemakers who seek harmony and often avoid conflict, even at the cost of their own needs and desires. Step 11 can help a Type 9 develop a stronger sense of inner clarity, presence, and connection with their Higher Power.

Step 11: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

Understanding Type 9 in Relation to Step 11

Type 9s often prioritize harmony and peace, which can lead them to neglect their own needs and avoid difficult emotions. They may struggle with inertia, putting off spiritual practices or important decisions. Step 11 is a key opportunity for Type 9s to actively seek their Higher Power’s will and become more connected to their own inner voice, rather than passively going along with life.

1. Overcome Inertia Through Consistent Practice

Type 9s tend to procrastinate and avoid taking action, especially when it comes to establishing regular spiritual practices. Step 11 is about developing a daily habit of prayer and meditation, which can help break through this inertia.

  • Create a Simple Routine: Start small and consistent. Set aside 5-10 minutes each day for prayer and meditation, ideally at the same time each day. Even if you feel resistance, make it a non-negotiable part of your routine.
  • Set Clear Intentions: Begin each session by stating your intention to connect with your Higher Power. You might say: “God, help me to be present and open to Your guidance today.”
  • Affirmation: “I can take small steps toward spiritual growth. I am worthy of taking time for my spiritual connection.”

2. Develop a Stronger Sense of Self Through Prayer

Type 9s often lose themselves in the desires and needs of others, making it difficult for them to discern their own path. Step 11 encourages you to turn inward and focus on your own relationship with your Higher Power, which will help you become more in tune with your own will and needs.

  • Prayer for Clarity: Ask for clarity in understanding your own desires and the path your Higher Power has laid out for you. You might pray: “God, please help me to know Your will for me and to find the strength to honor my own needs in line with Your guidance.”
  • Journaling Exercise: After prayer, write down any insights or feelings that arise. Ask yourself: “What is God’s will for me today?” and “What steps can I take to honor my own needs and desires?”

3. Address Avoidance by Facing Difficult Emotions in Meditation

Type 9s tend to avoid conflict and challenging emotions, which can lead to spiritual stagnation. Meditation provides a safe space to face these emotions and allow them to surface without judgment.

  • Meditation on Presence: During meditation, focus on staying present with any feelings of discomfort or resistance that arise. Don’t push them away. Simply observe them, and remind yourself that it’s okay to feel what you’re feeling.
  • Practice Grounding: Use grounding techniques, like focusing on your breath or feeling your body against the floor or chair, to anchor yourself when difficult emotions come up. This practice helps you stay centered while allowing your emotions to pass.
  • Affirmation: “I can face difficult emotions with grace and patience. I am safe in God’s presence.”

4. Resist the Urge to Numb Out

Type 9s are prone to numbing out or distracting themselves, especially when faced with stress or conflict. In recovery, this can manifest as emotional eating or zoning out from their Higher Power’s guidance. Step 11 is about staying connected and resisting the urge to check out.

  • Prayer for Presence: When you notice yourself wanting to numb out—whether through food, TV, or other distractions—pause for a moment of prayer. Ask: “God, help me to stay present with You and with myself, even when it’s uncomfortable.”
  • Mindfulness Exercise: Incorporate mindfulness into your meditation practice. Pay attention to how your body feels and the emotions that come up. This practice helps Type 9s stay engaged rather than drifting off.
  • Daily Check-ins: Schedule a few moments throughout the day to check in with yourself and your Higher Power. Ask yourself: “Am I staying present? How can I reconnect if I’ve drifted?”

5. Find Your Own Voice by Listening for God’s Will

Type 9s often go along with others’ plans and desires to maintain harmony, but Step 11 invites you to listen deeply for what your Higher Power wants for you specifically. It’s an opportunity to cultivate your inner voice.

  • Ask for Specific Guidance: In prayer, focus on asking for specific guidance that helps you understand your personal path, rather than what others expect of you. Pray: “God, show me Your will for me today and give me the strength to follow it, even if it feels hard.”
  • Meditation on Inner Strength: As you meditate, visualize your Higher Power encouraging you to speak your truth and follow your own path. Let go of the fear of conflict or displeasing others, and focus on what’s true for you.
  • Journaling Exercise: After meditation, write down any insights about what’s truly important to you. Use this practice to develop a stronger sense of your own will in alignment with your Higher Power.

6. Balance Your Need for Harmony with Spiritual Growth

Type 9s often prioritize keeping the peace over their own spiritual growth. Step 11 encourages you to find harmony not just externally, but within yourself by growing closer to your Higher Power.

  • Prayer for Inner Harmony: Ask your Higher Power to help you find a sense of peace within, rather than always seeking external harmony. You might say: “God, help me to find true harmony by aligning with Your will. Let my peace come from within, not from avoiding conflict.”
  • Meditation on Balance: Use meditation to reflect on areas of your life where you’ve been avoiding growth or conflict. Ask your Higher Power to guide you in finding balance between peace and growth.
  • Affirmation: “I can pursue spiritual growth without sacrificing peace. True harmony comes from within.”

7. Seek Support from Your Higher Power and OA Community

Type 9s sometimes isolate themselves when they feel overwhelmed or disconnected. Step 11 encourages you to turn to both your Higher Power and your OA community for support.

  • Group Prayer and Meditation: Join a group prayer or meditation session within your OA community. Being in a group can help you feel supported and connected, even as you deepen your relationship with your Higher Power.
  • Reach Out for Accountability: Find a spiritual sponsor or accountability partner in OA who understands your tendency to avoid action. Share your goals for Step 11 and ask them to check in with you regularly to help keep you on track.


For an Enneagram Type 9, working Step 11 in Overeaters Anonymous is about breaking through inertia, finding your own voice, and deepening your relationship with your Higher Power. This step invites you to embrace spiritual growth by overcoming avoidance and distraction, allowing you to find true inner peace.

By developing a consistent prayer and meditation practice, Type 9s can learn to face difficult emotions, resist the urge to numb out, and cultivate a deeper connection with their Higher Power. Through this conscious contact, you will discover that real harmony and security come from aligning with divine will, not from external avoidance.