Enneagram Type 6: Working Step 7 in Overeaters Anonymous

Step 7: “Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.”

For Enneagram Type 6, working Step 7 in Overeaters Anonymous requires addressing their deep-seated anxieties, need for security, and tendency to overthink and second-guess themselves. Type 6s are known for their reliance on external authority and systems for guidance, while also struggling with self-doubt and fear of making the wrong choices. Step 7 invites Type 6s to humbly ask their Higher Power to remove their shortcomings, particularly their fears, doubts, and need for constant reassurance, so they can find true inner security and peace.

Here’s a detailed guide for a Type 6 to work Step 7:

1. Recognize and Acknowledge Shortcomings

Questions to ask:

  • What specific fears or anxieties came up for me during my Step 6 inventory? How do these affect my relationship with food and recovery?
  • How does my need for reassurance or external validation manifest in my life and my eating habits?
  • In what ways does my tendency to overthink or anticipate the worst lead me to turn to food for comfort or security?

You may recognize that your habit of seeking constant reassurance from others or systems leads you to feel overwhelmed, and food becomes a source of stability and comfort in moments of uncertainty.

2. Cultivate Humility and Letting Go of Control

Steps to take:

  • Reflect on Humility: For a Type 6, humility involves acknowledging that no external system or person can provide the absolute security they crave. True humility means realizing that ultimate security comes from within and from their Higher Power.
  • Embrace Uncertainty: Begin to accept that life involves uncertainty and that you cannot always control outcomes or predict the future. This step invites you to surrender the desire for control and trust in your Higher Power’s guidance.

Questions to ask:

  • How can I embrace humility in my relationship with uncertainty and my need for reassurance?
  • In what ways can I let go of my desire to control every outcome and place more trust in my Higher Power?

Humility for you might mean letting go of trying to plan for every possible future scenario and instead trusting that your Higher Power will provide the guidance and support you need, even when you feel uncertain.

3. Ask Your Higher Power for Guidance and Transformation

Steps to take:

  • Prayer and Meditation: Use prayer or meditation to ask your Higher Power to remove your fears and doubts. Focus specifically on asking for help in addressing your anxieties, overthinking, and the need for constant reassurance.
  • Trust in Guidance: Begin to practice trusting your Higher Power for the guidance and safety you seek, rather than relying solely on external authorities or systems.

Questions to ask:

  • How can I ask my Higher Power to help me release my fears and self-doubt?
  • What specific anxieties am I ready to let go of, and how can I open myself to my Higher Power’s guidance in this process?

You might pray for the ability to let go of the constant worry about making the wrong decisions or being unprepared. Ask for the strength to trust that you are supported and safe, even in moments of uncertainty.

4. Practice Surrender and Trust

Steps to take:

  • Release the Need for Reassurance: A significant part of Step 7 for a Type 6 is surrendering the need to constantly seek reassurance from others. Begin to practice trusting your own judgment and your Higher Power’s guidance, rather than looking for validation outside yourself.
  • Let Go of Overthinking: When you catch yourself overthinking or getting stuck in worst-case-scenario thinking, remind yourself to surrender these thoughts to your Higher Power.

Questions to ask:

  • How can I begin to release my need for constant reassurance from others and trust my Higher Power instead?
  • In what ways can I start surrendering my tendency to overthink and trust that my Higher Power will guide me?

You might begin to notice when you are seeking reassurance from others and practice pausing to reflect and ask for guidance from your Higher Power instead. This could look like taking a few deep breaths, praying, or reminding yourself that you are safe and supported.

5. Embrace New Habits and Attitudes

Steps to take:

  • Cultivate Trust and Faith: As your fears and anxieties are removed, practice developing a stronger sense of inner security and faith. Create new habits that reinforce your trust in your Higher Power and in yourself.
  • Find Inner Safety: Rather than turning to food or external sources for comfort, begin to cultivate a sense of safety and security from within through spiritual practices, self-care, and healthy relationships.

Questions to ask:

  • How can I create new habits that help me feel more secure and less reliant on food or external validation?
  • In what ways can I reinforce my trust in my Higher Power and my ability to navigate life’s uncertainties?

You might develop a habit of pausing to check in with your Higher Power whenever you feel anxious or uncertain, rather than immediately turning to food for comfort. You could also focus on building healthy relationships that encourage mutual trust and support.

Summary for Type 6

For a Type 6 working Step 7 in Overeaters Anonymous, the key is recognizing that true security comes from within and from a connection with a Higher Power, rather than external sources. Humility involves acknowledging the limitations of seeking reassurance from others and trusting in the guidance of your Higher Power. By practicing surrender, letting go of overthinking, and embracing uncertainty, you can release your fears and anxieties, find inner security, and develop a more trusting and peaceful approach to recovery.