Step 10 Guidance for Enneagram Type 6: The Loyalist

(Customized for Overeaters Anonymous at Surrender School)

Direction from the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous for Step 10

“Continue to watch for selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, and fear. When these crop up, we ask God at once to remove them. We discuss them with someone immediately and make amends quickly if we have harmed anyone. Then we resolutely turn our thoughts to someone we can help. Love and tolerance of others is our code.”
Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 84

Step 10 is about maintaining spiritual fitness by quickly addressing emotions like selfishness, dishonesty, resentment, or fear as they surface. When these issues arise, turn to God immediately, asking for relief from these defects of character. Afterward, speak with a trusted person to gain perspective and make amends if necessary. Finally, redirect your thoughts toward helping others, focusing on love and tolerance.

Step 10 for Enneagram Type 6: The Loyalist

Core Fear: Being without support or guidance
Core Desire: To feel secure and supported
Core Weakness: Anxiety, doubt, and fear of uncertainty

As a Type 6 in Overeaters Anonymous, you are naturally cautious and loyal, often driven by anxiety and the need for security. Step 10 offers you a way to navigate your fears and doubts by consistently turning to God and trusted individuals for guidance, so you don’t have to face uncertainty alone. Here’s how you can work Step 10 with your unique tendencies as a Type 6:

1. Acknowledge the Fear and Anxiety Underneath Your Resentments

Type 6s often feel overwhelmed by fear and anxiety, which can quickly manifest as resentment toward others or yourself for not providing enough support or security. Step 10 is about noticing when fear leads to resentment or dishonesty and addressing it immediately.

  • Daily Inventory Check: Throughout the day, pause and reflect on whether anxiety has driven your thoughts or behaviors.
    • Ask yourself:
      • Am I holding resentment because someone didn’t provide the support I expected?
      • Is fear influencing my reactions or causing me to act defensively?

2. Turn to God to Remove Fear and Doubt

Fear and doubt are central struggles for Type 6s. When you sense that anxiety or insecurity is driving your actions, immediately ask God to remove those fears and ground you in trust. This is especially important in your relationships, where anxiety might cause you to cling to others or project distrust.

  • Prayer for Fear: When feelings of insecurity or doubt surface, pause to ask God to remove those fears.
    • Ask God:
      • Please take away my fears and doubts, and help me trust in Your support and guidance.

3. Be Honest About Your Need for Support

Type 6s often avoid being vulnerable because they fear losing the support of others. But Step 10 requires honesty, especially with yourself and your trusted circle. When you notice that you’re hiding your fears or struggling alone, talk to someone immediately. Trust that sharing your feelings doesn’t make you weak but helps you stay accountable.

  • When Anxiety Strikes: Reach out to someone you trust and express your feelings of doubt or fear.
    • Say:
      • I’ve been feeling anxious or unsure, and I need to talk through this to gain perspective.

4. Address Dishonesty Caused by Fear

Fear can sometimes cause you to be dishonest—perhaps not directly lying but withholding information or avoiding the truth because of the fear of consequences. When this happens, ask God to remove the dishonesty and be willing to discuss it with someone. Admitting fear-driven dishonesty is crucial to your spiritual growth.

  • When Dishonesty Arises: Reflect on whether your fears have led you to act dishonestly with yourself or others.
    • Pray:
      • God, please remove my dishonesty and give me the courage to face the truth, even when I’m afraid.

5. Discuss Your Fears and Resentments with Someone You Trust

As a Type 6, discussing your fears and resentments with someone else is essential. It can be difficult to see past your own anxieties, and getting an outside perspective can help you determine whether you’re reacting out of fear or genuine concern.

  • Get Feedback: Share your inventory with a trusted person regularly, especially when fear is clouding your judgment.
    • Ask them:
      • Am I being realistic, or is fear driving my reactions? Can you help me see this situation more clearly?

6. Make Amends if Your Fear Has Harmed Others

Fear and anxiety can cause you to be overprotective, controlling, or defensive, which may harm others. If your fear-driven actions have caused harm, it’s important to make amends quickly. This not only clears up any resentment but also helps you build more trusting and supportive relationships.

  • Amends Practice: If your fear or anxiety has led you to harm others, acknowledge it and make amends as soon as possible.
    • Say:
      • I realize my fear may have caused me to act unfairly or out of control. I’m sorry, and I’ll work on addressing this behavior.

7. Turn Your Thoughts to Serving Others from a Place of Security

When you’ve dealt with your fears, resentments, or dishonesty, turn your thoughts to helping others. As a Type 6, service can help you ground yourself, knowing that by supporting others, you reinforce your own security. However, it’s important to help from a place of love, not fear of losing connection or approval.

  • Focus on Altruism: Look for ways to help others without expecting reassurance or validation in return.
    • Ask yourself:
      • How can I be of service to someone today without letting my fears or anxieties interfere?


For Enneagram Type 6, working Step 10 in Overeaters Anonymous involves being vigilant about the ways fear and anxiety impact your relationships and behaviors. Through honest self-reflection, asking God to remove fear and dishonesty, and sharing your struggles with a trusted person, you can address your anxiety in healthy ways. By quickly making amends when necessary and turning your thoughts to helping others from a place of trust, you’ll maintain spiritual fitness and emotional balance.

This practice will allow you to stay connected to both your Higher Power and the supportive people in your life, while not letting fear control your actions.