Step 12: Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Understanding Type 6 in Relation to Step 12

Type 6s, known as “The Loyalist,” are characterized by their commitment to security and loyalty. They often experience anxiety and seek support from reliable systems and people. Step 12 invites Type 6s to use their newfound understanding from the steps to both help others and integrate these principles into their daily lives while managing their fears and uncertainties.

1. Embrace Your Spiritual Awakening

For Type 6s, acknowledging and integrating spiritual growth can be a profound step in building trust in themselves and the recovery process.

  • Reflect on Your Growth: Take time to assess how the steps have impacted your spiritual and personal development. Consider journaling or speaking with a trusted person about your experiences and insights.
  • Affirmation: “I recognize the spiritual awakening I’ve experienced and let it guide my actions and decisions.”

2. Balance Helping Others with Managing Anxiety

Type 6s may struggle with anxiety about helping others, fearing they might not be adequate. Step 12 encourages finding balance between supporting others and managing personal anxieties.

  • Set Realistic Expectations: Understand and accept that you can offer support without needing to be perfect. It’s okay to be imperfect while helping others.
  • Practice Self-Care: Engage in self-care routines that help you manage anxiety and maintain your well-being. Regularly assess and address your stress levels.
  • Affirmation: “I can support others while also taking care of my own needs and managing my anxieties.”

3. Share Your Journey Authentically

Type 6s might be concerned about how their experiences will be perceived. Step 12 encourages sharing your journey with honesty and openness, despite these concerns.

  • Be Genuine: Share your experiences with both your struggles and triumphs. Authenticity helps build trust and allows others to relate to your journey.
  • Use Your Experience: Share how the steps have helped you manage your fears and build security. Your story can inspire others who face similar challenges.
  • Affirmation: “I share my journey openly and honestly, helping others see the practical impact of recovery.”

4. Integrate Principles in All Areas of Life

For Type 6s, integrating recovery principles across all aspects of life involves applying what you’ve learned in a consistent and practical manner.

  • Apply Principles Daily: Incorporate the principles from the steps into various areas of your life, including relationships, work, and personal routines.
  • Seek Feedback and Support: Regularly check in with a sponsor or recovery group to ensure you’re applying these principles effectively and receiving the support you need.
  • Affirmation: “I practice recovery principles consistently, creating stability and alignment in all areas of my life.”

5. Volunteer and Lead with Integrity

Type 6s are often motivated by a desire for security and support. Step 12 provides an opportunity to use these motivations in service roles that align with your values and recovery.

  • Find Reliable Roles: Choose volunteer or leadership opportunities that offer a sense of structure and reliability. Ensure these roles align with your strengths and contribute to your personal growth.
  • Balance Service with Self-Care: Monitor how your service roles impact your anxiety levels and overall well-being. Adjust as needed to maintain a healthy balance.
  • Affirmation: “I lead and serve with integrity, ensuring my actions support both my recovery and the well-being of others.”