Step 12: Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

Understanding Type 8 in Relation to Step 12

Type 8s, known as “The Challenger,” are characterized by their desire for control, strength, and independence. They are driven to make an impact and are often protective of their vulnerability. Step 12 provides an opportunity for Type 8s to use their strength and leadership qualities to help others while integrating the principles they’ve learned into every aspect of their lives.

1. Embrace Your Spiritual Awakening

For Type 8s, acknowledging and integrating spiritual growth involves recognizing the importance of vulnerability and self-awareness.

  • Reflect on Your Growth: Take time to evaluate how working the steps has influenced your spiritual and personal development. Reflect on how these changes impact your approach to control and power.
  • Affirmation: “I embrace the spiritual awakening I’ve experienced and allow it to guide my actions and interactions with others.”

2. Balance Leadership with Vulnerability

Type 8s may struggle with showing vulnerability, but Step 12 encourages balancing leadership and support with openness and authenticity.

  • Acknowledge Vulnerability: Understand that being open about your challenges can strengthen your connections with others and enhance your leadership.
  • Practice Self-Care: Ensure that your need to control and lead does not overshadow the importance of self-care and managing your personal well-being.
  • Affirmation: “I balance my leadership with openness and vulnerability, allowing myself to support others while taking care of my own needs.”

3. Share Your Journey Authentically

Type 8s value strength and decisiveness, which can sometimes make it difficult to share vulnerabilities. Step 12 invites you to share your recovery journey authentically and openly.

  • Be Genuine: Share both your strengths and struggles honestly. Authenticity helps others see the real impact of recovery and builds deeper connections.
  • Use Your Influence: Leverage your natural leadership to inspire and motivate others by sharing how the steps have empowered you and transformed your life.
  • Affirmation: “I share my journey with authenticity and strength, helping others see the true impact of recovery through my experiences.”

4. Integrate Principles in All Areas of Life

For Type 8s, integrating recovery principles involves applying what you’ve learned to every aspect of your life with a focus on consistency and empowerment.

  • Apply Principles Daily: Implement recovery principles across all areas, including relationships, work, and personal goals. Use your strengths to create positive changes.
  • Seek Feedback and Support: Engage with a sponsor or recovery group to receive feedback on your application of these principles and to ensure you remain aligned with your values.
  • Affirmation: “I practice recovery principles consistently, using my strengths to create positive change and align my actions with my values.”

5. Lead with Purpose and Integrity

Type 8s are natural leaders who can use their influence to support others in recovery. Step 12 allows you to channel your leadership into purposeful service.

  • Find Impactful Roles: Seek out volunteer or leadership opportunities that align with your values and allow you to make a meaningful impact. Ensure these roles contribute to both your growth and the well-being of others.
  • Balance Leadership with Self-Care: Regularly assess how your leadership roles impact your own well-being and make adjustments as needed to maintain balance.
  • Affirmation: “I lead with purpose and integrity, ensuring that my actions support both my recovery and the well-being of others.”

This guide helps Type 8s effectively work Step 12 in Overeaters Anonymous by leveraging their natural leadership qualities and addressing their unique challenges in the recovery process.