Type 6 personalities often struggle with fear, anxiety, and self-doubt, making surrender and trust in a Higher Power both crucial and challenging. Here’s how a Type 6 can navigate Step 11 while addressing their unique fears and cultivating faith.

Step 11: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.

Understanding Type 6 in Relation to Step 11

Type 6s are driven by a deep need for security and reassurance. They often wrestle with fear and can become anxious about the future. For Type 6s, trust—both in themselves and in a Higher Power—can be challenging. Step 11, however, provides a path toward finding inner peace and security through a deepened relationship with a Higher Power. It encourages releasing anxiety by relying on divine guidance.

1. Cultivate Trust in Your Higher Power

Type 6s often find it difficult to fully trust others, including a Higher Power. The 11th Step is an invitation to slowly build that trust by seeking conscious contact with your Higher Power through prayer and meditation.

  • Prayer: Start by acknowledging your fear and doubt in prayer. Share these concerns openly with your Higher Power, asking for the strength to trust. You might begin with something like: “God, I struggle with trust and feel anxious about the future. Please help me find security in You and trust in Your plan for me.”
  • Meditation: Use meditation to calm your mind and quiet the constant internal questioning. Breathing exercises or guided meditations that focus on trust and letting go of fear can be helpful. Set an intention during meditation to release your fears into the hands of your Higher Power.
  • Affirmation: “I can trust in my Higher Power’s plan for me. I am safe and protected when I surrender my fears.”

2. Seek Reassurance from Prayer Rather Than External Sources

Type 6s often look for reassurance from others, which can become a barrier to finding peace in their own spiritual guidance. Step 11 asks you to look inward, rather than outward, for answers.

  • Prayer for Clarity: When you’re feeling uncertain or anxious, instead of seeking answers from external sources (like friends, family, or endless research), turn to your Higher Power in prayer. Ask for clarity, direction, and the courage to trust in your inner guidance.
    • Example prayer: “God, I feel lost and unsure. Please show me the way and help me to trust in the answers You provide.”
  • Let Go of Overthinking: Type 6s tend to overanalyze situations and become stuck in a loop of “what-ifs.” In meditation, practice letting go of this mental chatter. When your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to the present and your connection to your Higher Power.

3. Overcome Fear of the Unknown

A core challenge for Type 6s is fear of the unknown. You might find yourself paralyzed by the thought of what could go wrong or feeling the need to prepare for every potential outcome. Step 11 encourages you to release the need for control and accept that you cannot foresee or plan for everything.

  • Journal Exercise: Reflect on where fear of the unknown is holding you back. Write down specific fears and how they’ve impacted your spiritual journey. Then, write a prayer asking for help in surrendering these fears to your Higher Power.
  • Daily Surrender Practice: Each morning, pray to release control over the day ahead. Say something like, “God, I surrender my need to control every outcome today. Help me trust that whatever happens, You are guiding me.”

4. Find Courage in Your Faith

Type 6s may experience moments of intense anxiety and doubt, leading them to question their faith. Step 11 is about building a foundation of courage through a relationship with your Higher Power. Instead of letting fear control you, allow faith to ground you in the present.

  • Affirming Courage: Start your prayers by affirming your trust in a Higher Power, even if it feels challenging. For example: “I am afraid, but I trust that God is with me. I have the courage to face whatever comes because I am not alone.”
  • Meditation on Courage: During meditation, focus on the feeling of being supported by your Higher Power. Visualize a protective, reassuring presence guiding you through your fear and helping you face challenges with strength and faith.

5. Address Self-Doubt Through Spiritual Connection

Type 6s often struggle with self-doubt and second-guessing themselves, which can make it hard to discern whether they’re following their Higher Power’s will or their own anxious thoughts. Step 11 offers an opportunity to build confidence in your spiritual instincts.

  • Prayer for Discernment: When you’re uncertain about a decision or action, instead of spiraling into self-doubt, turn to prayer for guidance. Ask, “God, please show me Your will for me and help me trust in the guidance You provide.”
  • Journal Exercise: Keep a journal of your experiences with Step 11. Write down any insights or feelings that arise during prayer or meditation, and reflect on how you can trust these moments of spiritual clarity, rather than overthinking them.

6. Balance Your Need for Security with Openness to God’s Will

Type 6s crave security and stability, but life often brings uncertainty. Step 11 teaches you that true security comes from trusting in your Higher Power’s will rather than seeking control over life’s circumstances.

  • Prayer for Openness: In your prayer practice, ask for the ability to be open to God’s will, even when it feels uncertain or uncomfortable. “God, help me to find security in Your will for me. Even when I don’t know what’s ahead, I trust that You are guiding me toward the best path.”
  • Meditation on Letting Go: Use meditation to practice letting go of the need for certainty. As you meditate, imagine your fears being gently released, one by one, into the care of your Higher Power.
  • Surrender in Action: When faced with a situation that triggers your anxiety, pause and take a moment to pray or meditate, asking for the strength to release your fear and trust in a Higher Power’s guidance.

7. Build Community Support While Strengthening Spiritual Independence

Type 6s value support from community but can sometimes rely too much on others for validation. Step 11 encourages you to build a strong spiritual foundation while still valuing the support of your OA fellowship.

  • Group Prayer and Meditation: If possible, join a group prayer or meditation in your OA community. Sharing these practices with others can help you feel more connected to your Higher Power and your fellow members, while fostering a sense of spiritual independence.
  • Spiritual Accountability: Find a spiritual sponsor or accountability partner in OA with whom you can discuss your experience of Step 11. Share your struggles with fear and trust, and invite them to help you stay focused on building your conscious contact with your Higher Power.


For a Type 6, Step 11 in Overeaters Anonymous is about transforming fear into faith and finding security in a Higher Power rather than external sources. By leaning into prayer and meditation, you can cultivate trust in your Higher Power’s guidance, build spiritual confidence, and let go of your need to control the unknown.

This step is essential for helping Type 6s navigate the anxiety that comes with recovery, teaching you to surrender fears and embrace the strength that comes from divine connection. With time and practice, you’ll discover a deep well of inner security rooted in your conscious contact with your Higher Power.