Enneagram Type 8: Working Step 7 in Overeaters Anonymous

Step 7: “Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.”

For Enneagram Type 8, working Step 7 in Overeaters Anonymous involves a deep reckoning with their need for control, strength, and resistance to vulnerability. Type 8s are known for their assertiveness and desire to remain powerful and self-reliant, often avoiding situations that might expose their weaknesses. This step invites them to embrace humility, recognize their limitations, and allow their Higher Power to guide them in releasing their shortcomings, especially their fear of being vulnerable or out of control.

Here’s a comprehensive guide for a Type 8 to work Step 7:

1. Recognize and Acknowledge Shortcomings

Questions to ask:

  • What specific behaviors or attitudes did I identify in my Step 6 inventory that are rooted in my desire for control or dominance?
  • How does my need to appear strong or invulnerable affect my relationship with food and recovery?
  • In what ways do I use food to compensate for feelings of weakness, powerlessness, or vulnerability?
  • How does my reluctance to depend on others or a Higher Power manifest in my actions?

You may recognize that your refusal to ask for help or admit weakness leads you to overeat or use food to feel more in control of your emotional state.

2. Cultivate Humility and Letting Go of Control

Steps to take:

  • Reflect on Humility: For a Type 8, humility means acknowledging that strength isn’t always about control but about accepting help, being vulnerable, and surrendering to the guidance of a Higher Power.
  • Release Control: Begin to practice letting go of your need to control outcomes, situations, and people. Recognize that true strength comes from trusting your Higher Power to remove your shortcomings and guide you in recovery.

Questions to ask:

  • What does humility mean for me, and how can I begin to see vulnerability as a strength rather than a weakness?
  • In what areas of my life am I still holding on to control, and how can I begin to release that control to my Higher Power?

Humility for you might involve allowing others to support you in your recovery, admitting when you’re struggling, and recognizing that asking for help doesn’t diminish your strength.

3. Ask Your Higher Power for Guidance and Transformation

Steps to take:

  • Prayer and Meditation: Engage in prayer or meditation focused on asking your Higher Power to help you release your need for control, power, and dominance. Be specific about the shortcomings you want to let go of, such as anger, aggression, or avoidance of vulnerability.
  • Trust in Guidance: Begin to practice trusting that your Higher Power can guide you in situations where you feel powerless or afraid to show vulnerability.

Questions to ask:

  • How can I ask my Higher Power to help me let go of my desire for control and dominance?
  • What specific fears or insecurities am I ready to surrender, and how can I open myself to my Higher Power’s guidance?

You might pray for the ability to let go of your instinct to dominate or control situations, asking instead for the courage to be open, vulnerable, and guided by your Higher Power.

4. Practice Surrender and Trust

Steps to take:

  • Release Dominance: A significant part of Step 7 for a Type 8 is learning to release the need to dominate or take charge in every situation. Begin practicing surrender by allowing others to take the lead at times and trusting your Higher Power to guide the process.
  • Embrace Vulnerability: Start leaning into vulnerability by sharing your struggles with others in recovery, being honest about your fears, and asking for support when needed.

Questions to ask:

  • How can I start to surrender my need for dominance and control in my daily life and trust my Higher Power more fully?
  • In what areas of my life am I afraid to be vulnerable, and how can I begin practicing vulnerability with the support of my Higher Power?

You might begin practicing surrender by stepping back in situations where you would normally assert control, allowing others to offer help, and trusting that things will work out without your direct intervention.

5. Embrace New Habits and Attitudes

Steps to take:

  • Develop Trust: As you release your shortcomings, focus on developing new habits of trust—both in your Higher Power and in the people around you. Learn to rely on your Higher Power’s guidance rather than trying to force outcomes or dominate situations.
  • Cultivate Vulnerability: Practice being more open about your struggles and accepting help from others. This can lead to healthier relationships and a stronger sense of inner peace.

Questions to ask:

  • How can I develop new habits that allow me to trust others and my Higher Power rather than relying solely on my own strength?
  • In what ways can I practice vulnerability in my relationships and recovery?

You might develop the habit of pausing before reacting in a controlling or dominant way, asking yourself if the situation requires your intervention or if you can trust your Higher Power to guide the outcome.

Summary for Type 8

For a Type 8 working Step 7 in Overeaters Anonymous, the key lies in humbly recognizing that true strength comes from embracing vulnerability, releasing control, and trusting in a Higher Power. Humility for Type 8s is about acknowledging their limitations and allowing others and their Higher Power to guide them in recovery. By practicing surrender, letting go of dominance, and cultivating vulnerability, Type 8s can experience a deeper level of peace and strength, ultimately allowing their Higher Power to remove the shortcomings that have driven their eating behaviors and relational struggles.